Public Policy Engagement


Information on Public Policy and Lobbying, Corporate Political Contributions and Political Action Committee activity at Sysco Corporation.


At Sysco, we believe promoting sound public policy is imperative to fulfilling our mission to be our customers’ most valued and trusted business partner. As a governing principle, Sysco pursues a collaborative and inclusive approach to making decisions and securing internal alignment. We work alongside our industry, supplier and customer stakeholders to advocate for our priorities at the local, state and federal levels. This engagement is critical to ensure that the interests of our customers, employees and shareholders are properly represented at all levels of government. Sysco’s public policy priorities and activities are reviewed regularly with senior management and with the Board of Directors.

Sysco’s Corporate Government Relations:

  • Monitors legislative and regulatory actions and engages where necessary
  • Increases awareness of Sysco’s business operations with public stakeholders
  • Broadens understanding of our company and our perspectives among policymakers
  • Positions Sysco as an effective and trusted resource on a multitude of policy areas


Sysco’s Government Relations department represents the company’s point of view before Congress and federal agencies in Washington, D.C., state and local governments around the United States, and local and national governments in Canada and the United Kingdom.

Working with our corporate subject matter experts and operating site leaders, Sysco promotes and protects our company’s interests through direct lobbying of government officials on a wide array of issues that impact our business. Common areas include, but are not limited to, the following: agriculture, animal welfare, energy and the environment, food safety, health care, immigration, nutrition, labor, occupational safety and licensing, product labeling, taxes, trade, transportation and workers’ compensation.

Sysco complies with all U.S. federal and state lobbying laws, which require reporting on lobbying activity. For the 2023 calendar year, Sysco reported U.S. federal lobbying expenditures of $280,000 in reports filed with the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Secretary of the U.S. Senate.


Sysco works with a diverse array of industries and organizations that have similar business objectives and goals. To help achieve legislative and regulatory priorities on issues important to our overall business strategies, Sysco Corporation maintains memberships in various industry trade associations. We will not always agree with every position these organizations take, but we have found that providing our input—for or against a particular position—is a constructive way to influence policy outcomes.


Sysco engages in the political process by providing financial support for select candidates and issue advocacy campaigns that support our business objectives. Contributions and involvement are determined by the Sysco Corporation Public Policy Committee, a multi-functional group consisting of members from Sysco’s executive leadership, Government Relations, Legal, Investor Relations, Communications and other relevant functional leaders.

The Committee makes candidate support determinations based on a set of specific criteria including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Representation of a state or district in which Sysco Corporation has facilities or employees
  • Membership on key committees of importance to Sysco Corporation and its business interests
  • Holds a leadership position in the legislature
  • Supportive of issues positively impacting Sysco Corporation, the foodservice distribution industry, or customers and suppliers of Sysco Corporation

The Committee makes issue advocacy support determinations based on a set of criteria including, but not limited to, the following:


Federal law prohibits corporate contributions to any candidate for U.S. federal office or to any political candidate, party, or campaign in connection with any election for U.S. federal office. As a result, Sysco established the Sysco Corporation Good Government Committee, Inc. (“Sysco PAC”) to allow eligible associates to become engaged in the political process. Sysco PAC is governed by a separate Board of Directors comprised of PAC members from across our company, including representatives from corporate executive leadership, field operating companies, regional market leaders, and corporate functional leaders. Sysco PAC makes contributions to federal, state and local candidates in accordance with election laws and regulations. Membership in Sysco PAC is strictly voluntary and can be discontinued at any time.

Sysco PAC provides contributions to support candidates whose views on specific issues are consistent with Sysco’s interests. Consideration is given to candidates who represent the communities we serve, who show support for policies and initiatives that are important to the company or hold leadership positions and sit on key committees. PAC contributions are made without regard to the private political preferences of Sysco PAC’s Board of Directors or Sysco Corporation’s executive management.

Sysco PAC is regulated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and files reports, as required, with the FEC and relevant state election commissions. Reports filed with the FEC are publicly available on the FEC website.


For additional information concerning Sysco’s political activities and related policies and procedures, please contact Brad Christie at